Planning for 2024-28
Planning for 2024-28
As part of the South Australian Government housing roadmap, the 2024-28 regulatory period will see a $1.2 billion investment to enable water and wastewater services to support the state’s housing growth. This will be co-funded by SA Water customers, the government and developers through augmentation charges.
The unprecedented investment being made will enable us to build and upgrade large scale infrastructure that serves as the backbone of the network to support these growing communities.
How we plan
Every four years, feedback from our customers helps inform our investment proposal submitted to the Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA).
Our Regulatory Business Plan for the 2024-28 regulatory period was developed with significant input from our customers and the community, and balances affordability with delivering the services our customers value and expect.
ESCOSA reviewed our proposal and provided a determination which establishes the customer outcomes we need to deliver and the allowable revenue we can recover from our customers. We then set prices each year to achieve the allowable revenue.
ESCOSA’s website has details about their review, determination and consultation process, which provides opportunities for customer and community feedback.
Appendix 2.1 How customers informed the strategy
Appendix 3.1 - Stantec Scope for future efficiencies
Appendix 3.2 2022 SA Water Opex Benchmarking Report
Appendix 4.1 ESCOSA Engagement Guidelines Checklist
Appendix 4.2 RD24 Engagement Phase 1 Report
Appendix 4.3 What We Heard Report Nov 2022
Appendix 4.4 Willingness to Pay Survey
Appendix 6.1 Service Standards