Contact us

Contact us

Other ways to contact us

Online form
(general enquiry, feedback or complaint)

Call us on
1300 SA WATER (1300 729 283)

How can we help you today?

For other enquires, please call us (24/7) on 1300 SA WATER (1300 729 283)

Accounts, billing and payments

Accounts, billing and payments

How can we help you today?

For other enquires, please call us (24/7) on 1300 SA WATER (1300 729 283)

Answers to our most common questions

My bill is higher than usual

There can be a number of reasons why your bill amount is higher than usual. The meter reading my be incorrect or an estimate. You may also have a leak in your pipe or running toilet or dripping taps as well as just using more water. For example, you may have people staying at home, be watering your garden more, using new appliances.

If the water use on your bill seems high or if we have contacted you about this please use our online resource to find out more. If there's a problem with any appliances or pipes on your property, call a licensed plumber.

Also, let us know if paying your account by the due date is going to be difficult by calling us on 1300 SA WATER (1300 729 283), or if you would like help from our specialists.

How to read the water meter on your property

Checking the water meter and providing us with the reading is simple. Just follow these steps or watch a quick video to guide you. Without a current reading for your next bill we will estimate your water use.

How to get a copy of previous accounts

If you are an owner of a property and require copies of past bills, please contact us on 1300 SA WATER (1300 729 283).

If you are registered for mySAWater you can also download past bills since the date of property ownership.

Check if you are eligible for a concession or financial assistance

Eligible government concession card holders, and anyone assessed as having a low income, may be able to claim a water and sewer concession. The Department for Human Services administer these concessions and you can check your eligibility online or by calling their concessions hotline on 1800 307 758 / TTY 8226 6789.

We understand that sometimes it's difficult to meet household expenses and that a sudden change in circumstances, like a loss of change in income, can lead to financial difficulty. We help our residential customers experiences short and long term financial hardship by working together to agree a payment plan so that overdue accounts and new bills are paid as early and easily as possible.
If you're having difficulty paying your bill, please talk to us so we can help you get back on track. Please call us on 7424 1650 during business hours.

For further information please go to ourConcession and financial support page.

More than one bill for the same quarter

Sometimes we may send you more than one bill (also known as a rebill) during the same quarter. This could be because you’ve supplied a new meter reading to us. It could also be an adjustment further to your application.

When water charges apply for a new property

Where SA Water mains abut a property, water and sewer rates apply from 1 July each year irrespective of whether the property is connected to those services.

Major works and temporary outages

Major works and temporary outages

I want to:

For other enquires, please call us (24/7) on 1300 SA WATER (1300 729 283)

General enquiry, feedback or complaint

General enquiry, feedback or complaint

I want to:

We welcome your feedback

Your feedback is important to us and helps us make our best better.

To tell us about something we have done well or if you have a complaint, we will work with you and focus on what has happened and why so we can take the right steps to resolve the matter and learn from each experience. Here's how we will do that together:

Step 1 - Talk to us

If you believe your matter has not been addressed and would like to make a complaint, you can:

Complete our online enquiry and feedback form


If you have done this and believe your matter has not been adequately addressed, you may request an internal review.

Step 2 - Seek an internal review

When you contact us, we aim to resolve the matter at the first contact however, if this does not occur you can request an internal review online or ask for one during a call. Our Customer Advocacy and Resolution team will contact you within two business days to discuss the next steps and keep you informed about what's happening, why it's happening, as well as provide a timeframe to resolve the matter.

Step 3 - Seek an external review

If the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction you may access an independent and free service by contacting the Energy and Water Ombudsman of South Australia. This office can help you with billing, account payment, connection, supply, privacy, and customer service complaints. You can call them on telephone: 1800 665 565 (free call) or email:

You may also contact the South Australian Ombudsman if you have concerns about our processes or how we have made a decision. You can contact this service on telephone: 1800 182 150 (toll free if you live outside the metro area) or email:

For more information on how we record, manage and respond to complaints, enquiries and escalations across all communication channels, you can also view our Customer enquiry, complaint and despite resolution process

Our community

Our community

I want to:

For other enquires, please call us (24/7) on 1300 SA WATER (1300 729 283)

Did you know

Residential customers can switch to ebilling with mySAWater, as well as view, pay and manage your account easily anytime 24/7

Deaf, hearing or speech impaired customers.

Contact us through the National Relay Service and ask for SA Water on 1300 729 283.

  • TTY users phone 133 677 then ask for SA Water on 1300 729 283
  • Speak and Listen users phone 1300 555 727 then ask for SA Water on 1300 729 283

Free translating and interpreting services

Do you need an interpreter? Use our free interpreting service by calling 131 450 and ask them to connect you with SA Water

Calling from overseas

You can contact us on +61 8 7424 1735