Smart meters support

Two men and a female SA Water employee standing in an apple orchard, with an apple in their hand

Two men and a female SA Water employee standing in an apple orchard, with an apple in their hand

Using smart meters

Time to get smart about your water use

Get your daily water use data delivered to the device of your choice to effectively manage your water use, costs and minimise water loss.

Using your online dashboard

laptop icon
Login to access your daily water use data to start understanding your business's water use profile
Notepad and water drop icon
Use your automated reporting to review your business operations and equipment and discover new efficiencies
Loudspeaker icon
Set ideal baseflow points to receive meaningful potential leak or high water use alerts
icon showing two hands holding a water drop
Use your smart meter data to test, learn and try new ways to identify financial and environmental benefits

High water use and potential leak alerts

Groundskeeper and another older man standing on the Adelaide Oval in front of the scoreboard

Two female workers talking at a pizza production line

Rows of crops inside a commercial greenhouse

Smart meters alert you to potential leaks and abnormal water use at your property. If you receive an alert and want to understand what caused it, there are a couple of steps you can take.

For higher than normal water use, take a look at your daily water use on your smart meter dashboard. Looking at your water use at different operating times can provide a good indicator of processes, events or behaviours that may have increased your water use.

If you think you have been alerted to a potential leak at your business, you might want to consider our leak analysis service. In some cases, this service has helped identify water leaks that cost in excess of $60,000 per year. Our Business Relations team can also help your find hidden leaks.

Take a look at some Adelaide businesses who have experienced leaks and unexplained water use and how their customer water use portal helped them find leaks, and save on water waste, property damage and costs.

Smart meter faults


If you are not receiving smart meter data or you think there is a problem with the meter, let us know by calling us on 1300 SA WATER (1300 729 283). Our specialist team will help get your data running smoothly again.

If you think there may be a problem with your original meter (non-smart meter), you can report the problem using our online fault map or by calling 1300 SA WATER (1300 729 283).

We are also available on 1300 SA WATER (1300 729 283) if you have any questions.

Protecting your data

We take the management and collection of customer information very seriously. Rest assured the smart meter will only send us your water use information, not your personal information. Access to your account is protected by your account username and password that you’ll need to keep confidential. We have appropriate security measures in place to also ensure your water use data is protected. Find out more about our Privacy policy and Information Management.